The Diplomat of the Year award was given to the members of the Foreign Ministry’s Crisis Response Team for fighting the pandemic

Diplomats Eleonora Todorovska, Mia Dimitrovska, Jumni Sali, Dragan Bogdanovski, Agim Murtezani, Srgjan Hadzi-Nikolov, Katina Georgiev, Bekri Ajdini, Boni Cvetanovska, Sashka Talevska, Reshat Berisha, Esat Veliu, Marjan Sofronieski, Sinisha Ivankovikj, Atina Nichoska and Suzana Tuneva, who tirelessly and dedicatedly tackled the challenges in repatriation of Macedonian citizens stranded abroad, are Macedonian diplomats of the year, informed the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MFA)

Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov extends cordial congratulations to the recipients, to all diplomats, as well as to Macedonian citizens stressing that
the job of diplomats is to help citizens abroad, to promote state interests and to build bridges of friendship.

-Today, on the day of the MFA, in conditions of serious challenges caused by the pandemic, we decided to give a name to that active engagement, and for the first time, to award the “Diplomat of the Year” award to several colleagues, who did exceptional work in extraordinary circumstances. Congratulations to them and to all diplomats, congratulations on MFA Day!” – said Minister Dimitrov.

The MFA also informs that, this year, due to the circumstances, the traditional celebration which marked this day will not be held.

Today we celebrate the 51st anniversary of the establishment of the Bureau of Foreign Relations in 1969, a body which through the Secretariat of Foreign Relations was later established as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.