The curfew in North Macedonia from today will start at 11 pm, 2-week quarantine introduced for travelers arriving from Brasil and India

Фото: Суад Бајрами

At the 68th session yesterday, the Government of North Macedonia adopted a decision for changes and additions to the current curfew. As of the 5th of May, Wednesday, instead of 9 pm, the curfew will start at 11 pm, and it will end at 5 pm the next day.

“Accordingly, the catering facilities will be open for guests until 10 pm i.e. their open sections – terraces, as it was determined with the current measures and protocols. The Commission for Infectious Diseases has additionally proposed, and the Government at the session accepted, an introduction of a self-isolation measure (quarantine) of 14 days for all domestic and foreign travelers who have arrived from India and Brazil, in order to prevent the spread of the new strains of SARS-CoV-2,” says the Government’s press release.