MKD The “Colourful Revolution” marked the concrete elections of June the 5th today

The “Colourful Revolution” marked the concrete elections of June the 5th today

Participants from the “Colourful Revolution” today marked the day for the June the 5th elections, which were cancelled after a majority boycott of the elections from all parties. They held elections anyway, a parody organised by guerrilla-style action by marking the cancelled elections with ‘concrete’.

They brought and set up a concrete polling booth, covered with a colourful ribbon and symbolically left it outside Parliament. The “only person who had been registered to vote”, scribbled out the “only candidate, former Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski”.

This sort of guerrilla style action was a parody of the ruling parties amendment attitude and constant public appearances that elections were not going to be cancelled. They were very concrete on the matter.