Gallery The Albanian Opposition Council Protest for Justice, Democracy and Dignity

The Albanian Opposition Council Protest for Justice, Democracy and Dignity

With the banners “Ali the traitor”, “Democracy”, “Death to Fascism”, “Down with DUI along with Gruevski”, “Justice” several thousand of citizens of Albanian ethnicity started the protest “D-Day – justice, democracy, dignity” in Cair Park.

The Albanian Opposition Council organized the protest for more rights, honour and the dignity of the Albanian population and to stop politically-forged court cases.

Protesters supported the Special Prosecutor’s Office and the international community for their efforts to end the political crisis.

From Cair Park, demonstrators marched through Bit Pazar and headed to the Government.

Once they arrived, the President of Besa Biljal Kasani, held a speech and said that all those gathered today demand dignity, democracy and justice.