Tags Health workers

Tag: health workers

In North Macedonia 453 health workers inoculated in two days

In two days, 453 health workers that are working at COVID centers were inoculated against COVID-19, announced the Health Ministry of North Macedonia "The immunization of the health workers is proceeding without problems and with full capacity at the modular hospital in Skopje where 6 vaccination stations were placed. The personnel is working in two shifts from 8 am until...

According to the health minister, 70% of the health workers in North Macedonia want to be inoculated

70% of the medical staff in North Macedonia want to be inoculated with vaccines against COVID-19, said yesterday ealth Minister Venko Filipche when he was interviewed for the Top Tema TV show on Telma TV. He said that the health workers who registered themselves for inoculation have sent a good signal. He informs that the way of inviting the health...

WHO’s dr. Scano: Don’t lower your guard – whole society must engage in the fight against COVID-19

Not only the Government, but also the whole society has to take part in finding the contacts during the early phase, as this is the only way to be ahead of the virus. If this is not done, we shall experience an explosive situation and that will additionally damage the economy. Now is not the time to lower the...