Tags Русија

Tag: Русија

Russia assesses US sanctions as useless

 Russia assessed US sanctions as useless and adds that it will respond to the measures, but didn’t specify how. In today’s press release, Moscow says it will wait as long as it takes US to recognize the historical right to the Crimea peninsula, which this year was separated from Ukraine and annexed to Russia. Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs today expressed...

The ruble didn’t reduce, but will slow down Macedonian export

The fall of the Russian ruble will not reduce, but will slow down the export of Macedonian companies in Russia, which, this year, according to the Ministry of Economy, registered an export increase of 35 percent. - The fall of the ruble will affect the export of Macedonian products in the Russian Federation, i.e. there will be a slowdown in...

Serbia has to normalize relations with Kosovo to join EU

Before entering the European Union, Serbia should fully normalize relations with Kosovo, and it would be confirmed by a legally binding document, said Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz in an interview with NIN. - It isn’t in the interest of the EU to fully accept members which are in conflict with the neighboring countries, because it would mean “import” of...

Putin: West wants to conduct a “Yugoslav scenario” in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned Russians that hard times are at hand and asked for a bigger support from the people. Addressing both houses of the Kremlin, Putin accused the West of trying to set up a new Iron Curtain around Russia. Russia suffered a strong economic blow because of falling oil prices and sanctions imposed by the West because...