Tags Air quality

Tag: air quality

Over 400,000 used vehicles imported in North Macedonia since 2009, still no ban of sub-EURO 5 ones

No decision has been made so far to amend the regulation on the imports of used cars in North Macedonia, that will ban the import of vehicles below the EURO 5 gas emissions standard. This is the reply that Meta.mk received from the Ministry of Economy and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) regarding our question...

EU requests bigger money contributions to the fight against the air pollution in North Macedonia

European Commission's latest report about North Macedonia and its reforms clearly stresses that North Macedonia should increase the assetsthat are allocated on national and local levels to decrease air pollution. "...limited implemention and ressources, weak inter-sectoral cooperation and coordination between central and local authorities limits the impact of measures to reduce air pollution. Air pollution in major cities remains a...

North Macedonia last year invested €8 million in air quality protection, industry’s share was €1.3 million

Even though the air pollution in North Macedonia is a hot topic, the investments in air protection are scarce. Last year, around €8 million were registered as expenditures and investments in air quality protection, show the latest data provided by the State Statistical Office (SSO). The industry and the specialized producers throughout the country have invested in MKD 124,558,000...