Tags Agency for audio visual media

Tag: agency for audio visual media

SDSM: It suits Gruevski not to have fair and democratic elections

Nikola Gruevski is afraid of fair, free and democratic elections because he will pay the price after he and his party stole 10 years of the life of citizens and face the responsibility for the overall crime of the 'family', said SDSM in a press release. The party says that this is precisely the reason why the Prime Minister does...

VMRO-DPMNE abandoned negotiations on the media, while Vanhoutte waits for them to return

Shortly after the establishment of the talks, VMRO-DPMNE abandoned negotiations to regulate the work of the media. From sources close to the negotiating groups, they reveal that the ruling party had abandoned negotiations, because something the Belgian facilitator had said, they took personally, even though Mr Vanhoutte was actually referring to the proposals. Some participants in the negotiations, said that...

Sitel has made the most and Telma the least from advertising revenues in 2014

The analysis of the audio and audio-visual media services that was conducted by the Agency of audio and audiovisual services, shows that in 2014 TV station Sitel made the largest revenues compared to the last ten years. The TV station has increased their revenues fivefold, Kanal 5 have increased theirs fourfold, while Telma has made the same figures as...