MKD Taci: Przhino Agreement will not be Realized

Taci: Przhino Agreement will not be Realized

President of DPA, Menduh Taci, after meeting today the Ambassador of OSCE, Marianne Berecz, expressed his pessimism that the Agreement signed in Przhino will ever be realized.

Taci said that he signed the document for one reason only. According to he, the Agreement represents the shortest way for the Albanians to remove from power DUI and Ali Ahmeti at the upcoming elections. According to DPA’s leader, Mr. Ahmeti is responsible for the condition the country has fallen in and especially for the condition of Albanian citizens.

– Why did I sign the Agreement? Because I think that is the only short way for Albanians to be able to vote definitely against the structures of Mr. Ahmeti, which are responsible for this situation. Their votes will further strengthen DPA and futher on, I want to convince everyone that the demands of Albanians will become part of the negotiations of the next government- said Taci.

He added that his political party is responsible for the Albanians questions being addressed during the negotiations in Przhino.
DPA’s leader said, even though he doesn’t believe the Agreement signed in Przhino will be implemented, he will still encourage his party’s MP’s to give their effort for the Agreement to be realized in practice.