Mon, 17 February, 2025
Tags Demands

Tag: Demands

Hristijan Mickoski will try to collect signatures to postpone the census, SDSM defiant

Opposition party VMRO-DPMNE announced it will not recognize the results from the census in North Macedonia if it is implemented according to the draft law for the census that entered the parliament today. Party's president Hristijan Mickoski announced during a press conference that the party will start with collecting signatures for the adoption of a new draft law that will...

Brussels will not comment on “Gruevski’s platform”: We haven’t seen it and we won’t speculate

The European Commission does not want to comment on the demands made by VMRO-DPMNE to the European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, who is visiting the country tomorrow. "We will not speculate or comment on any party programme. We expect a swift formation of a new government committed to implement overdue reforms. We will continue to...

Bushati to Gruevski: Albanians are not season workers in their own homes

Albanians are not seasonal workers in their own homes. There should be a timely response to their demands. We will not stop emphasizing the need for the development of the Albanian people, wherever they live, regardless of their belongings, for more dignity, equality and inclusion in the development plans, stated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Ditmir Bushati during...

“Colourful Revolution”: It is time for a new uproar, outside the SPO!

Demonstrators from the "Colourful Revolution” on their Facebook profile published a new call for protests tomorrow at 18:00 in front of the Special Prosecutor's Office. "Citizens, we invite you on Friday, 10th of June at 18:00 to gather for a massive protest in front of our fortress - The Special Prosecutor's Office, to tell the authorities that we are counting...

Taci: Przhino Agreement will not be Realized

President of DPA, Menduh Taci, after meeting today the Ambassador of OSCE, Marianne Berecz, expressed his pessimism that the Agreement signed in Przhino will ever be realized. Taci said that he signed the document for one reason only. According to he, the Agreement represents the shortest way for the Albanians to remove from power DUI and Ali Ahmeti at...