MKD Supreme Court annuls Mijalkov’s house arrest measure in the Empire case ...

Supreme Court annuls Mijalkov’s house arrest measure in the Empire case – he will remain home due to Titanic 2 case

Фото: Архива на Мета.мк, јуни 207 г.

The Supreme Court has made a decision to accept the appeal lodged by the former Secret Police director Sasho Mijalkov, a suspect in the SPO led case named as “Empire” and to anull his house arrest, which was decided by the Appellate Court on the 28th of February.

But despite this decision, Mijalkov will remain in house arrest because this measure was set by the Appellate Court, for the case of “Titanic 2” after it canceled his detention.

In the case of Empire, the Supreme Court canceled the house arrest to others such as Ore Kamchev, Cvetan Pandeleski and Nenad Josifovik, prime suspects in the Empire case.