MKD Steinmeier called upon for an immediate formation of a government and...

Steinmeier called upon for an immediate formation of a government and for implementation of necessary reforms

The chief of the German diplomacy Frank Walter Steinmeier has greeted the held early parliamentary elections in Macedonia and called upon urgent forming of a government.

– Yesterday’s elections in Macedonia were an important step forward in the solution of the political crisis in the country. It is necessary for the country for a government to be formed immediately and which will use its mandate to implement the urgent reforms. The country needs quick and convincing results in the domain of the rule of law and the judiciary, the public administration, media and the freedom of speech – stressed Steinmeier.

He also stressed that the Special Prosecution Office must carry on with its work.

-SPO must be allowed to do its work without any obstructions and to reveal and punish the misuse of the power and the government. It is a condition for the trust of the citizens in the institutions to be returned – stressed Steinmeier.