MKD SPP on elections: It is the duty of the institutions to cooperate...

SPP on elections: It is the duty of the institutions to cooperate with us

Before the dissolution of Parliament, which was announced late Wednesday night by President of the Parliament, Trajko Veljanoski, they did not complete their obligations to the SPP.

MPs did not even review the SPP’s initiative to amend the Law on Witness Protection, and did not adopt any of the recommendations from the Venice Commission regarding the law on privacy and whistle-blowers.

The prosecutor from the SPP, Lence Ristovska did not want to comment on current political developments.

“Whether they fulfilled their obligations or not, they should make a comment regarding that issue. It is the duty of the institutions to cooperate with the Special Prosecution’s Office, but as to whether they have fulfilled their obligation, we have no comment”, said Lence Ristovski.

Yesterday, the opposition leader, when talking to the media, said that he would not be surprised if the Constitutional Court initiated proceedings to abolish the SPP.

“With Gruevski, anything is possible. I would not like to believe that such a disgraceful thing would happen, but as I said, with Gruevski, anything is possible”, said Zoran Zaev.