MKD Special Public Prosecution declares law suits for slander and insult

Special Public Prosecution declares law suits for slander and insult

The Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) in a statement to the public expressed concern about the way certain media have been reporting, connected with their work and that of  the Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva.
Despite the denial by certain media the SPP announced the initiation of civil proceedings for defamation and insult, as well as criminal proceedings for ‘false reporting of a crime’.

“This Public Prosecution Office, even though we have been subjected to unfounded attacks in the previous period, have shown a high degree of tolerance towards people who attacks us with lies, insults, slander, served with hate speech aimed at the prosecution. Numerous appeals from our side had failed, and we need to protect the integrity and security of our Public Prosecutors and their families. We would like to inform the public that in the weeks ahead, certain people will face civil proceedings for slander and insult as well as criminal proceedings for ‘false reporting of a crime’ – said in a statement by the Special Public Prosecution.