MKD Spasovski: UBK has not conducted any kind of activity against any country...

Spasovski: UBK has not conducted any kind of activity against any country or embassy

The Administration for Security and Counterintelligence (UBK), has never conducted any sort of activities against any country or against any embassy in Macedonia. This was announced today, by the Minister of Interior, Oliver Spasovski, while answering a reporter’s questions about the recent withdrawal of staff from the Serbian embassy in Skopje and accusations from Belgrade about “very offensive intelligence activities against Serbia, in Macedonia.”

Regarding this, Spasovski said that there is absolutely no activity that could compromise UBK or the Ministry of Interior.

Concerning the violence which occurred in Parliament on April the 27th, the Ministry of Interior said that it is important to conduct a full investigation and an inquiry into the events, in order to restore credibility and trust in the institutions.

“I expect that the Public Prosecutor’s Office, especially the department for Organized Crime, will be decisive in terms of the proceedings against the individuals who stormed the Parliament building on April the 27th to kill certain MPs”, said Spasovski.