MKD Spasovski: Jankulovska was issuing ID cards illegally

Spasovski: Jankulovska was issuing ID cards illegally

Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski today at a press conference accused the MOI during its time under the former Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska, for illegally issuing identity cards to people which would allow them to vote in elections. This claim Spasovski said is based on an investigation he conducted recently, in which ID cards were issued to people for whom the public already had doubts about their place of residence, yet they were still found on the electoral roll.

He showed documents explaining how to check the system and how it issues IDs, he then asked for 22 people to be selected at random, and look into how were they issued identity documents.

“Only one person out of the 22 did not possess an identity card yet he was on the electoral roll, which means he would have had the right to vote. The other 21 were issued identity cards, even though they had no evidence for their place of residence, which is a key document for issuing these identity documents. Their identity cards were issued completely illegally, and these people are on the electoral roll which allows them to vote. This confirms that people within the Ministry of Interior under Gordana Jankulovska were abusing the system when issuing identity cards”, said Spasovski.

When asked by journalists whether any of the 22 people were from Pustec, Spasovski confirmed that most of them were from there and all voted in the Municipality of the Centre.