Economy SKSM: The Eurobond is to keep the social peace, and not to...

SKSM: The Eurobond is to keep the social peace, and not to help develop the economy

The Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia (SKSM) expressed concern about the state’s intention to issue a Eurobond in the amount of 650 million euros and believes that the money is to buy social peace, and not to bring fresh capital to the economy.

According to SKSM, the Eurobond will be used to cover current obligations, or for salaries and pensions and the economy as before will not benefit.

“So far, from borrowing, we have not seen the actual utilization of funds for capital investment or for substantial economic development. If the money is used for pensions, salaries, social transfers, it is not for fresh capital to the economy, but it is being used to keep the social peace”, said the Director of SKSM Fatmir Bikic.

Bikic emphasized that he has made his views known to the Ministry of Finance, who accused him of twisting the truth at a press meeting with representatives of the three largest chambers about the support of government policies.

“We do not support the increase of the debt and nor do we support unproductive expenditure. Contrary to our observations, the Ministry of Finance has the attitude that the chamber blindly supports the work of the government”, said Bikic.