Skopje Zoo’s new attraction: Baby marmoset grew big enough to pose for pictures and “groom” its parents


When it was born on the 26th of September, the pygmy marmoset baby was small as a fingernail. The employees at the Skopje Zoo said then that it is so small that it cannot even be seen on camera. Now it has grown enough to hold on to its parents, “groom” their furs and to pose in front of’s camera.


“At the Skopje Zoo there are two marmoset couples, where the males had been residents here for many years while the females arrived last year. This is the first pygmy marmoset that has ever been born is Skopje“, said for, the Skopje Zoo’s spokeswoman, Tina Mickovska.

She said that its gender is still unknown since it is too tiny, so now the employees of the biggest and the oldest Zoo in North Macedonia call it either Palche (Thumbelina) or Muva (Fly).

Otherwise, these species of monkeys are known as the smallest of primates from the New World. Marmoset’s body weighs around 100 grams and its average height is around 13 cm i.e. as Mickovska says it is big as a child’s palm.

They originate from Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru, and they usually live in a group of 2 to 6 marmosets. They feed on fruit nectar, wax worms and other insects.

In May, the visitor’s hearts were warmed by the alpaca Dina, which is the first baby alpaca born in the Skopje Zoo.