MKD Shilegov: The building of VMRO-DPMNE is a monument of Gruevski’s crimes

Shilegov: The building of VMRO-DPMNE is a monument of Gruevski’s crimes

This building, fortress, as Gruevski called it yesterday, is a monument over monuments of the crimes and the criminal top of VMRO-DPMNE. While Macedonia is sinking into poverty, while 180,000 people live with 40 denars per day, for this heap of stone, imagined Sultan Gruevski, according to available estimates, used between 15 and 30 million euros, says SDSM.

– Useful coverage of the building has now reached 12.240 square meters, more than ten times more than the initial, at the expense of public greenery and pedestrian space. It is increased in the “from” the initial height of the planned building, from 25 to 29 meters. If you start from the fact that the average price of the square in the Municipality of Centar is over 1,200 euros, this means that around 15 million euros were spent on the new headquarters of VMRO-DPMNE! If we go by the logic of the cost of newly constructed buildings in Skopje 2014 which cost 3,000 euros per square meter, the building costs over 35 million euros – said SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov at the square in front of the seat of VMRO-DPMNE.

He says Gruevski yesterday in front of the building of VMRO-DPMNE confessed inability to deal with the truth and tried to involve people in his dishonest governance.

– Nikola Gruevski tried to threaten the citizens with themselves. He decided to seek the intervention of the people. The intervention of citizens already happened and they are saying “Goodbye” to Gruevski. Nikola Gruevski is no longer in a position to demand anything. Now the people, the citizens, demand. They demand accountability from him and his associates – said Shilegov.