MKD Šekerinska will ask for support from sister parties in Berlin

Šekerinska will ask for support from sister parties in Berlin

The Vice-President of SDSM, Radmila Šekerinska, today and tomorrow will attend the annual convention of the Progressive Alliance and the meeting of the Presidency of the Party of European Socialists (PES), announced SDSM.

Tomorrow, at the meeting of the presidium of PES, Šekerinska will meet with representatives from all sister parties in Europe and will inform them of developments happening in the country, and she will again ask for support for the principal positions of SDSM to overcome the political crisis. The Convention of the Progressive Alliance, titled “Shaping our Future – For a World of Freedom, Justice and Solidarity” will bring together representatives of more than 100 social democratic, socialist and labour parties from around the world, including the Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, German President of the SPD and candidate for chancellor, Martin Schulz, President of the French Socialist Party, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis and President of the Austrian Social Democrats, Christian Kern.