MKD Sejfula: Latas’s statement is an insult to Turks everywhere

Sejfula: Latas’s statement is an insult to Turks everywhere

Several dozens of people, most of them members of the Turkish community in Macedonia, gathered peacefully and protested in front of Government because, as they said, they were appalled by the statement by the editor of TV “Sitel” Dragan Pavlovic – Latas, who in an interview with opposition leader Zoran Zaev said to him “You are lying like a Turk”.

At the protest, they said that this was an insult to all Turks around the world.

“Yesterday’s statement by Latas did not only offend Turks in Macedonia, but Turks all over the world. The protests will continue and will get bigger. All citizens who felt offended by the statement, can file a lawsuit against the editor of “Sitel” – said Ipo Sejfula, President of the Local Community of Dolno Kolichani.

He said that Latas’s statement was not only an insult to Turks but was also an insult to all journalists who said that Latas should not be part of their circle.

The gathered citizens are now heading towards TV “Sitel” to continue the protest their.