MKD SDSM: While Montenegro moves forward, Macedonia with Gruevski remains in the same...

SDSM: While Montenegro moves forward, Macedonia with Gruevski remains in the same place

The debacle of Nikola Gruevski economic policies was preceded by another defeat, this time on an international level, was SDSM’s reaction after Montenegro were invited to be considered as a NATO member.

“The Ministerial Council of NATO decided that Montenegro is to be invited to be considered as a new member of the Northern Alliance. SDSM congratulated the citizens of Montenegro for their countries success. Unfortunately, while countries in the region move forward within Euro-Atlantic structures, Macedonia, with Nikola Gruevski, has been standing in the same place for ten years”, said the statement said from the SDSM.

They added that Nikola Gruevski prioritues in recent years have not been addressing the outstanding issues such as reforms or progress, but tenders and the business interests of the family.

“Due to wrong policies of Nikola Gruevski, Macedonia and its citizens irretrievably lost a decade,” said the opposition’s statement.