MKD SDSM: All but Gruevski can see that he’s finished

SDSM: All but Gruevski can see that he’s finished

“Nikola Gruevski realized the situation and therefore he hid from citizens and decided to sneak his shameful and forced re-election in the party at a holiday,” reads the statement of SDSM in response to today’s address of Gruevski before delegates and guests of the 15th Congress of VMRO-DPMNE, which is held in Kumanovo this weekend.

“Gruevski admitted evidence of the project “Truth about Macedonia,” which exposed his real, cruel and criminal face. He also admitted the disastrous policies that failed to cover the frequent changes of laws which caused chaos in all areas. He also admitted the absurd project “Skopje 2014″, which took more than 600 million euros into the pockets of the family,” reads the statement of SDSM.

It also read that only Gruevski “cannot see what everyone else can, his party colleagues, even those of narrow band around him, that he’s finished.”