MKD SDSM: Gruevski is the key problem and cannot be part of the...

SDSM: Gruevski is the key problem and cannot be part of the solution

“Only the withdrawal of Nikola Gruevski and forming a transitional government, which will allow the necessary conditions for fair and democratic elections, could normalize and restore the democratic and European perspective of the country”, reads the written response of SDSM to today’s statement of Prime Minister Gruevski from Resen, in which he accused opposition leader Zoran Zaev to be the main culprit for the failure of negotiations in Brussels on 10th of June.

“Faced with his resignation from the government, Nikola Gruevski obviously needs to explain his own willingness to give everything and do everything just to keep his chair. With their criminal rule and the destruction of the economy, democracy, and the European perspective of the country, Nikola Gruevski and his associates are the largest “halters” for the future of the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, Nikola Gruevski’s resignation is of national interest. As the cause of the enormous problems with which the Republic of Macedonia and its citizens are facing, the creator of political and state crisis, Nikola Gruevski, is a key part of the problem and he cannot be part of the solution,” reads the statement of the party.