MKD SDSM: Gruevski’s lawyer hired by ELEM for 46,000 euros

SDSM: Gruevski’s lawyer hired by ELEM for 46,000 euros

“Now, after Nikola Gruevski recovered from his mental pain with 50,000 euros, did his lawyer calm down as well? Lawyer Nikola Dodevski will be hired by the state company ELEM, and, for his year-long service, according to the agreement posted on the site of the Bureau of Public Procurement, ELEM will pay more than 46,000 euros”, reads the statement of SDSM.
“Coincidentally or not, this is a similar amount to the fifty thousand euros Gruevski got. Interestingly, a condition for signing the contract with ELEM was the lowest price, and there were five offers, but the procedure was not led via electronic auction, but the deal has been made with lawyer of Nikola Gruevski. Now it is even clearer how heavy was Gruevski’s pain for the case “Makedonska Banka”, initiated by SDSM leader, and it cost him 50,000 euros. The relationship between state institutions, Prime Minister, court, state companies confirms that Macedonia is not a state, but that everything is party-related,” reads the statement.