MKD Romany women struggle with unemployment and lack of access to gynecologist

Romany women struggle with unemployment and lack of access to gynecologist

(Фото: Flickr)

The women initiative of Shuto Orizari is marking the International Romany day by alarming about the obstacles that Romany women face with in our country.

“We can’t even manage to count the number of obstacles, but through the years it is clear that the biggest among those are the unemployment and the lack of medical services concerning the health of women organs. The illegal payment and the inefficient measures in the Program for active protection of women and children, are additionally causing problems to the everyday lives to Romany women and confirm that the state cannot guarantee the women’s health rights during their reproductive period” state the initiative representatives.

The research that was carried out on the territory of Shuto Orizari has shown that all 100 women were unemployed and that 82 % of those that are still reproductive have paid for an scanning examination to their doctor, even though this service is free for them.

Истражувањето што го спровеле на територијата на Шуто Оризари, покажало дека сите 100 опфатени испитанички се невработени и дека дури 82 проценти од оние во репродуктивен период платиле за ехо-преглед кај својот матичен гинеколог, иако оваа услуга им следува бесплатно.

“The research shows that 40% of the women without health insurance have paid for laboratory analysis during their pregnancy and the child birth, even though these services were available for them free. Only 16% have used the right for free folic acid and only 11 % of pregnant women were visited by a visiting nurse during the period of pregnancy. 12% of the pregnant women were minors” stated the press release.