Main Section Rilkoski: We requested an Elections Commission that is depoliticized and has broader...

Rilkoski: We requested an Elections Commission that is depoliticized and has broader powers

“It was requested from the Macedonian political party and EU representatives that the State Elections Commission (DIK) is completely depoliticized, which means that the parties can not propose, at least publically, their own candidates. We also requested the capacity of the DIK to be strengthened with at least three professionals- experts, who are judges at best. If the DIK is given broader powers then it should also be strengthened with a better workforce.

The President of the DIK, Nikola Rilkoski, said this for Meta yesterday, who was present at the meeting of the Action groups of the big political parties who are working towards implementing the Przhino Agreement.

– From our side we raised four questions. Foremost, about the composition of the DIK and its mandate. Then, about voting in the Diaspora, how complaints will be processed and treated and about the electoral list and the total number of the voting body. Our intentions are to improve the work and efficacy of the DIK- said for Meta the president of the commission, Nikola Rilkoski.