MKD Regional association is one of the potential solutions in the fight against...

Regional association is one of the potential solutions in the fight against the pollution in Macedonia

On the last day of the “Macedonia 2025” summit, a panel was organized on the subject of the living environment, the air pollution, and public policies in this domain.

One of the panelists was the Minister of Environment and Planning, Naser Nuredini who said that it is very important for data to be collected since if the sources are unknown then no one will be able to find a solution for the pollution.

Nuredini named the following as sources of pollution: the lack of home heating’s energetic efficiency, the vehicles imported from the EU, but are substandard and the industry.

Jasminka Jang of the Serbian RES foundation said that in Serbia, 79 % of the pollution consists of 2.5 PM particles come from individual home heating, while the industry participates with around 7%, while the remaining fall to traffic.

Surprised that home heating is one of the biggest causes of air pollution, Joonas Koivisto, a specialist for managing air pollution and researcher at the Helsinki University, sees the solution in building a nuclear power plant whose surplus of heat would be used for heating.