MKD Ohrid Framework Agreement: Xhaferi will announce what must be done

Ohrid Framework Agreement: Xhaferi will announce what must be done

Deputy Prime Minister in charge of implementing the Ohrid Framework Agreement Musa Xhaferi, at tomorrow’s press conference will announce several steps that must be taken to fully implement the Framework Agreement.

This was today’s topic entered at the last minute at the request of Albanian party DUI into negotiations between the working groups from the Przhino Agreement, ‘Meta’ discovered.

At the request of DUI, the facilitator from the European Union Pieter Feith gave an extensive presentation about the ongoing implementation of the Framework Agreement to the representatives of the four parties.

We learned that the parties had a constructive debate about the Framework Agreement and did not oppose Mr Feith’s presentation, and after the meeting gave no details of what the analysis of the implementation of the Framework Agreement was.

“This was a meeting of the action groups of political parties, as dictated by the EU. We wanted to brief political leaders about the job. Not to rush. They will be briefed tomorrow, the process has just begun. We need to be patient and see how this might best be organized”, said Mr Feith after the meeting.

Today political parties and their European facilitators were presented an action plan to address the issues of the Przhino Agreement. It was agreed by the middle of October to resolve the issue with the media, and in the same period were asked to find a solution concerning the issue over the Diaspora and their right to vote.

For now, the only solution to be agreed upon, is that of the selection of members of SEC. It was decided that they will be elected by the formula 3+3+3, which means, the Government shall propose three, the opposition will also propose three, and three experts from the majority of the Government.