Economy The average net monthly sallary in May was 22.071 denari

The average net monthly sallary in May was 22.071 denari

The average monthly salary in May of this year was 22.071 denari and the average net salary was 32.393 denari, says in the report from the State Statistical Office.

and Index of average monthly salary in May 2015 versus May 2014 is 102.7.

The increase is due to the increase of the average monthly wages in the art, entertainment and recreation sectors (15.8 percent), other service sectors (7.5 percent) and health and social protection sectors (5 percent).

An increase has been registered also in expert, scientific and technical jobs (6.1 percent) and information and telecommunications (5 percent).

In May 2015, 1.6 of all employees in Macedonia did not receive their monthly salaries.