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Popovski: After 10 years, there are finally more critical articles than praiseworthy in the media

After 10 years, there are more critical articles than there are praiseworthy in the world of the media, said Minister without a Portfolio in charge of Communications, Accountability and Transparency, Robert Popovski, at the regular government press conference today.

“We celebrate this day in the media, in a democratic, free and European-oriented Republic of Macedonia. For the first time, after 10 years, there will be probably more critical articles than praiseworthy and suggestive, emphasizing freedom and rights in the media, like every day in the past 10 months, for important issues and public interest. Today there is a loudness, as opposed to silence”, said Popovski.

He called on the opposition to support the Law on the Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, which would kick off the reforms in the media sector in Macedonia. At the same time, he accused opposition MPs presiding over the Commission for Transport and Communications, of twice postponing the session where the Law on AAMS is meant to be discussed without explanation.