MKD Petkovski: Commission for supervision of wiretapping is a farce and theater

Petkovski: Commission for supervision of wiretapping is a farce and theater

According to former MP and current NSDP leader Tito Petkovski, activation of the parliamentary Commission for supervision of monitoring communications, and that for control of the work of the Security and Counterintelligence Agency (UBK) and the Intelligence Agency (IA) is “a farce and a theater with which the government simulate a reaction after the remarks of the special report for the European Commission prepared by the team of Reinhard Priebe.”

According to Petkovski, the Commission with its current composition is illegal, and there is no capacity or political will to implement their responsibilities.

– All that they do is against the law because the president of the commission must be from the ranks of the opposition at the Assembly. And what do they now? They put a man from VMRO-DPMNE, who, while he was a member of the previous compositions, did obstructions of all initiatives of the Commission. It cannot be expected that the dirty laundry of the Minister of Interior to be revealed by a member of the ruling party – said Petkovski, who from 2011 to 2014 was a president of the Commission for supervision of the implementation of measures to monitor communications by the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defense.

The Commission yesterday held its first meeting since the establishment of the current parliamentary composition, in which it adopted the rules of procedure with an announcement that members will soon visit institutions in charge of monitoring communications to become familiar with their work.

The head of the Commission is MP Pavle Sazdov, and representatives of the opposition are Solza Grcheva and Roza Topuzova-Karevska.