MKD Over 3 000 COVID-19 casualties in North Macedonia, the number of infections...

Over 3 000 COVID-19 casualties in North Macedonia, the number of infections grew by 358

Инфективна клинија | Фото: Арбнора Мемети

In the last 24 hours in North Macedonia, 2 275 tests were done and 358 new cases of COVID-19 were registered, informs the Ministry of Health.

It adds that 5 patients died from the disease and 341 recovered in the aforesaid period.

The total number of COVID-19 cases in North Macedonia since the start of the pandemic is 97 456 and the number of people who recovered is 88 301, while 3 003 patients died from the disease.

At the moment the number of active cases in North Macedonia is 6 152.