MKD Skopje to be decorated thematically from next year

Skopje to be decorated thematically from next year

 From next year, the City of Skopje will look for a complete design solution for New Year decorations. An advertisement for an ideal solution for New Year decorations for next year was announced on Monday on the web-page for public procurement.

Criteria for the selection of the best offer read that the solutions should be unique and have a concept, to be creative and not to remind of the previous solutions, to be easily carried out and not to be too expensive. The electric decorative elements and decorations should be technically described (mass, capacity, degree of protection). During the preparation of the ideal solution, the burden of the pillars for the public lighting and public lighting network should be taken into consideration. Also, the solution shouldn’t provide any exclusion or reduction of public lighting, nor provide for decorating the pillars on which advertising panels are already placed, and, if possible, avoid decorating the pillars for public lighting.

The competition provides three awards and purchase of the winning designs. First prize is in the net amount of 60,000 denars, second is 48,800 and third prize is 30,500 denars. The suggestions should be submitted until 2nd of February 2015 at 12 am in barrack 1 at the City Archives.