No decision so far about restrictive measures because of the Delta variant at border crossings in North Macedonia

Photo: Sasho Spasoski

So far, there aren’t any decisions regarding imposing restrictive measures at border crossings in North Macedonia, said Health Minister Venko Filipche.

He said that the Commission for Infectious Diseases will be discussing this, eventually whether a recommendation to be issued about criteria for crossing the border passing even though, as he stressed, we are seeing that many countries in the region regardless if they have some forms of restrictive measures like Greece, for example, are still seeing a rise in new infections.

“This means that a measure should be recommended that will really be efficient. Regarding the recommendations inside the country, this is the reason for imposing protocols with restrictions, as this is something that is returning life to normalcy but with cautiousness. At the moment, there aren’t any great number of examinations at the hospitals for patients suspected of COVID infections. Therefore at this moment regarding additional restrictive measures about the functioning here, both in closed or open conditions, there is no need for such recommendations,” said Filipche.

He also said that certain publications are awaited to be published about the heaviness of the clinical picture i.e. in order for this virus’ behavior to be seen on people who were or were not vaccinated.

So far, there aren’t any new cases of people infected with the Delta variant apart from the 4 people who were diagnosed yesterday by Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.