Mijalkov leaves court, while Judge decides whether to confiscate his passport

Former Director of the Administration of Security and Counterintelligence, and a current member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, Saso Mijalkov, after undergoing questioning for nearly two-hours left the Criminal Court today. He left the courthouse from the same side entrance he used to enter, and after a few minutes, special police forces unblocked the perimeter they had set-up around the courthouse.

The court hasn’t disclosed information on the two other suspects, Toni Jakimovski, the former head of Mijalkov’s office, and Nebojsha Stankovik, the former assistant minister in the MOI as to whether they were also questioned, as they had been officially summoned.

The judge of the preliminary procedure will now need to make the decision whether to take precautionary measures against Saso Mijalkov.

The former Director of the secret police UBK appeared at the Criminal Court today exactly at noon.