MKD META at the border area: Goshince is not felt in Tanushevci…

META at the border area: Goshince is not felt in Tanushevci…

Reinforced with additional colleagues, but in a calm atmosphere without tension, the daily routine of the police team of the sentry in Tanushevci, in the northern part of the border with Kosovo, is carried out just a day after the incident at the sentry in Goshince, which the Ministry of Interior (MOI) qualified as a terrorist attack on public institutions.

The sentry, about seven kilometers from the village, which marked the beginning of the conflict in 2001, we went to try and reach Goshince.

Although we expected that we will find special police forces and some armored vehicles on the site – there was no such thing. Team of sentry Tanushevci was composed of border police officers and officers with markings of regular police. First we were greeted by one of the police officers, whom we asked for directions.

– I do not know how you can get to Goshince. I’m here from yesterday, came from Tetovo and cannot point you to the right direction – replied the officer in Kevlar and with automatic rifle in his hands, who we met near the sentry with several other colleagues.

The people in charge at the border checkpoint immediately warned us that we cannot get to Goshince with our “Citroen” due to the bad road and snow. They said that the situation is calm and that “there is nothing.”

– Special forces were stranded with ermine yesterday, let alone you with an ordinary car – we were told by the police officers.

They also said that it was not wise, for safety reasons, that we took this road to the sentry which was attacked yesterday.

– It is a border area, anything might happen. Who knows what you may encounter – said one of our interlocutors.

They didn’t want to talk about the event in Goshince. We were asked what is said by the journalists and the public about the attack and responded with a smile when we told them that part of the views of the security experts and the people is that the whole situation is a bit unusual and resembles a set-up.

– Well, yes, it is a bit strange – they said with a smile, but nothing more.

They didn’t talk much about the situation, except that it is peaceful and that they received reinforcements after the incident in Goshince, i.e. that their colleagues from other places were reassigned here.

Regarding cooperation with Kosovo border authorities, joint patrols, exchange of information, they say it takes place at a higher level.

– From time to time we have joint patrols, but that cooperation takes place at higher levels – say our interlocutors.

From what we could see, without asking too much, the impression that the equipment they have is outdated was unavoidable.

Coming or going, we didn’t meet a single person or vehicle, civilian or police, on the winding mountainous road near the Macedonian-Kosovo border.