Economy MEPSO and EVN urging farmers to be cautious when setting up equipment

MEPSO and EVN urging farmers to be cautious when setting up equipment

MEPSO, are advising farmers that they should avoid the use of agricultural machinery along routes where power lines of the power transmission network run, and security corridors, and especially not to use powerful tractor machinery, or any other agricultural machinery underneath power cables.

The company recommends that farmers do not install piping systems for irrigation purpose in agricultural areas which are along the routes of transmission lines, and not to use metal pipes high in the air, for irrigation schemes, near the routes of the electric transmission grid or any other metallic elements, especially conductive metal ropes.

EVN also told farmers that by carrying out agricultural activities in the vicinity of power lines, it will be compulsory that security measures are respected and taken.

“The biggest danger is if one were to come into contact with the overhead power cables which could cause the most fatal of accidents with electricity in agriculture. That’s why we need to strictly follow the prescribed distance of not being more than two meters close to the power cables. People should work with caution when setting up irrigation equipment. Metal piping must not be placed parallel to the irrigation route of the transmission lines”, EVN informed the public.