Main Section Mandatary Zaev submits the proposal for new government, the focus on new...

Mandatary Zaev submits the proposal for new government, the focus on new jobs, COVID-19 and the environment

Мандатарот Зоран Заев заедно со 19 предлог министри | Фото: Арбнора Мемети

Today at 11 o’clock, the mandatary Zoran Zaev submitted his proposal for the new government to the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia, together with Government’s program for the next 4 years. He spoke for the media together with all of the 19 proposed cabinet ministers in front of Parliament’s building.

“Today, as a mandatary, I submit to the Parliament a proposal for a new government that is prepared to work a full four-year mandate. With me today are 19 ministers and all together we oblige that we shall pull ahead every day, every hour. We shall work more and better and we shall ask each citizen for greater involvement,” said Zaev.

Zaev stressed that Macedonian citizens will gain a stable, efficient, and responsible government that will guarantee a continuity in the implementation of joint strategic priorities, the EU membership, good neighborly and inter-ethnic relations, internal cohesion, fighting the coronavirus pandemic, new energy, and decisiveness in the creation of a more dynamic economic growth, sustainable development, modern education, efficient legal state, and strong institutions.

Предлог-членовите на новата влада пред Собранието | Фото: Арбнора Мемети

“The program for the Government’s work fully demonstrates the dedication of all political parties that are part of the coalition for an uncompromising fight against crime and corruption, thorough cleansing of the judiciary and inspection of the property and funds of all officials. All coalition partners agree to committedly continue the implementation of the agreements with the Republic of Greece and Republic of Bulgaria that led to NATO membership and a decision for starting the EU accession negotiations, as well as the Ohrid Framework Agreement which is the cornerstone of the peaceful coexistence,” said Zaev.

Taking into account the current situation with COVID-19, Zaev said that the new government will make serious investments in public health and the coronavirus fight. Part of the program’s pillars is the solution of the decade-long problem with the pollution, stressed Zaev, and called upon the citizens for more active participation in the protection of the environment.

“These are the principles and values that the new government will guide itself by. In order to accomplish these goals, today I propose to the Parliament responsible, professional, and accountable staff that will be obliged with a specific mission and goals in your name,” said Zaev.

He also said that 90% of the deputy minister positions have already been determined and during the government’s first 100 days the focus will be on saving jobs since he is certain that the coronavirus crisis will take longer.