Digital Rights Manchevski: The reforms will contribute to depoliticizing of the administration and the...

Manchevski: The reforms will contribute to depoliticizing of the administration and the data will be open

The strategy of the reform of the public administration 2018-2022 that was voted at the government’s session plans four key area s- creation and exchange of policies, public service and management of human resources, responsibility, transparency and providing services and the IT support for the administration – informed today the Minister of Information Society and Administration, Damjan Manchevski.

He stressed that the strategy has a plan for depoliticizing the administration that, as he said, is one of the basic problems that were detected in the previous period. The depoliticizing will be conducted through the promotion of the selection procedures, employment and promotion based on the principle of estimation, equal and fair treatment, including an equal participation of all ethnic communities. Special attention will be given to the professionalization of higher ranking management structures and a special category for high ranking civil servants will be introduced.

The STrategy plans a defining the system of salaries and preparing a new law for salaries in the public sector. The goal is to determine a just system of payment of salaries that will be based on the “equal salary for an equal job” principle.

-A significant part of the Strategy presents the system for open data. It presents a strategic approach to openness and availability of information for which a serious personnel and technical preparedness of all institutions is necessary. The current level of the institutions is on a different level and that is the greatest challenge. A large part of this project is devoted to the training and the raising of the consciousness within in the institutions about the importance of this system. A large number of analysis, numbers, concrete data that were taken from various documents will be available. All institutions will be obliged to process all the documents as metadata in order to be easily interlinked and to allow comparisons, analysis and to survey the conditions – said Manchevski.