Macedonian Ministry of Information Society and Administration approves the new systematization for additional 460 job positions at MRT

Фото: Арбнора Мемети

Last week, the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) approved the new systematization of job positions at the Macedonian Radio Television (MRT), proposed by MRT’s Program Council. The Program Council’s Vice President, Vedat Memedalija, said that the new systematization was signed by MISA’s State Secretary, Adem Avziu and it plans an increase of new employees in the public broadcasting service from the current 764 to 1.224 employees.

Memedalija claims that in the forthcoming period, the number of employees will be increased by 460 people out of which the half will be journalists and creative personnel. He said that the relations between MISA and MRT have normalized with the appointment of Avziu as the new General Secretary of this ministry and that he has shown a greater understanding for improvement of the situation in the public broadcasting service.


This article was produced within the framework of the project “Media Reform Observatory“, implemented by the Foundation for Internet and the Society “Metamorphosis”, with financial support by the Foundation “Open Society – Macedonia”.

The content is sole responsibility of its authors and in no way whatsoever could be understood as a representation of the views of the Foundation “Open Society – Macedonia”.