MKD Macedonia has 183 ambulances where on average they are more than 11...

Macedonia has 183 ambulances where on average they are more than 11 years old

This country has 183 ambulances that are part of 47 health institutions, reveals the database for all ambulances, which was published today by the Center of Civil Communications.

“The average age of these vehicles is 11 years and even 53% were received as donations or were borrowed by another health institution. Skopje has the biggest number of ambulances, Ohrid has 30 while Bitola has 12. They are followed by Veles and Kumanovo where each has 8 ambulances. Two of the oldest vehicles date from 1988 and the most used has passed 1 million 360.000 km” says the press release.

Compared with ministries and the municipalities, according to the database that the center for Covil Communications has published in October 2018, at their disposal are 2.645 vehicles, which means that to every 15 cars there is one ambulance.

The database was made on the basis of approved requests for free access to all 90 health institutions in the country.