MKD Levica – A new Macedonian political party is born

Levica – A new Macedonian political party is born

The political scene in Macedonia will see the formation of a new party, ‘Levica’. Behind this party are members of left-wing movements such as “Lenka” and “Solidarity”, the Communist Party of Macedonia and individuals leftists. The party will stand for workers’ rights and social justice, democratization of all spheres of life and will fight against nationalism and ethnic barriers.

“In a state of chronic poverty and huge class differences, and in a situation of quasi-democracy when the people are dissatisfied with the existing parties and new parties appearing full of old politicians, we declare the establishment of a new party, ‘Levica’ full of new faces and new ideas. We will not allow at the upcoming elections, workers, the poor and disadvantaged to have no option who to vote for. The rich have ten or more parties, the poor and the oppressed have none. We are not planning on leaving the streets, and will not stop protesting against injustices, but we will not abandon our Parliament either. It is high time for the voice of the people to be heard. Finally, we will welcome all the poor and oppressed of Macedonia, quoting Koco Racin’s moto, ‘We will win’”, so announced the new political party ‘Levica’.