World Europe Kocijančič after Zaev’s press conference: EU is concerned about the developments in...

Kocijančič after Zaev’s press conference: EU is concerned about the developments in Macedonia

Through Maja Kocijančič, spokeswoman of Federica Mogherini, head of European diplomacy, the EU gave a brief comment on the press conference of the opposition SDSM on which leader Zoran Zaev announced that the Government tapped over 20,000 citizens through its services and submitted audio recordings as evidence.

The most important thing for the European Union in the moment is respecting democratic and legal standards. Brussels is concerned about developments in Macedonia, says Maja Kocijančič.

– We have already expressed our increasing concern about events in the country, the handling of it and the impact this issue has on overall political climate. We can only reiterate this. We insist on the importance of upholding the fundamental principle of freedom of expression. And when it comes to any investigation, transparency, impartiality, due process and respect for the presumption of innocence in line with European standards must be ensured, for there to be confidence and public trust in the process. It is high time for political actors to show responsibility and engage in constructive dialogue, shifting the focus back to the strategic priorities of the country and all its citizens – says Kocijančič.