MKD Katica Janeva says she will fully investigate all the recordings

Katica Janeva says she will fully investigate all the recordings

At yesterday’s “defending” of the latest six-month report on the work of the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SJO), Katica Janeva, before the Parliamentary Commission for Political System and Inter-Community Relations, asked that the legal position of the prosecution be solved and stressed that she intends to fully investigate all indications of the crimes contained in the recordings of the wiretapped conversations, but also , she will prove the charges entered into court proceedings.

“I believe that it is necessary for the court to take into consideration the seriousness of the crimes that are the subject of charges filed by the SJO, and to ensure the smooth running of court proceedings, as well as avoiding their unnecessary delay”, said the special prosecutor.

Janeva said that cooperation with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and other domestic and international institutions was finally established.

Regarding the public comments that no-one who was on the wire-tapped recrodings from the opposition at the time are being charged, Janeva said that they can not be investigated because they were not officials at the time.

VMRO-DPMNE demanded a detailed explanation of the wire-tapping, where the money received by the prosecution from the budget was spent, as well as the answer to why the court procedures were conducted by experts – former SDSM officials. The Alliance for Albanians called on the prosecutor to treat all those facing charges equally.