World Balkans Kammenos: Regardless of the referendum, the Greek people will have the last...

Kammenos: Regardless of the referendum, the Greek people will have the last word

Whatever the outcome of the referendum, the final word on the Prespa Accord will be given to the Greek people, either in a referendum or in elections, said the coalition partner in the Greek government Panos Kammenos, repeating his positions again, but revealing his next steps after Macedonia would complete the proposed obligations.

“My first proposal to the Prime Minister will be to address the Greek people, to ask for a referendum, from the Greek people to take a position on this change of decision of the leaders of the political parties. The second option we will have is any decision or debate in parliament to be postponed after the end of the four-year term. And the third and last will be the announcement of elections,” Kammenos said at a press conference at the 83rd International Fair in Thessaloniki and added that they have no mandate from the people to give away the term Macedonia any way.

The leader of the Independent Greeks explained that it was in the neighbors’ interest to “accept Greek positions” because Greece wants to help economically, “but history can not be forged and the name Macedonia used.”

“There is no Macedonian nationality, nor does a Macedonian language exist, you speak Slavic,” said Kammenos.