MKD Janushev: SDSM and DUI are competing with each other which party is...

Janushev: SDSM and DUI are competing with each other which party is going to make appeasements with the name

It seems like SDSM and DUI are competing who will make a bigger appeasement without making an evaluation of the consequences it might have on the highest national interests, stated today VMRO-DPMNE’s General Secretary, Igor Janushev.

-MP Artan Grubi bragged that the form of the new name has already been agreed upon. The same person has publicly stated that the mediator will have offered additional ideas that he received, no less than from the Greek authorities. If it wasn’t tragic it would have been funny for the Macedonian representative to offer ideas received from Greek authorities.
What is worrisome is the very fact that Grubi himself revealed that the biggest problem wasn’t only the form of the name, but the other part of the agreement as well that referred to the identity, the language, the nationality, the use and its translation. Who is lying to us? Is it Zaev and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrov who are saying that the identity is not negotiable or Artan Grubi and DUI when they say that an agreement concerning the identity, the language and the nationality is underway- asked Janushev.

Macedonia and the Macedonian nation didn’t deserve to be treated this way by Zoran Zaev and the ruling party said the General Secretary of VMRO-DPMNE.