Jankulovska from Sveti Nikole: Zaev’s commanders want to cause fear among the citizens

Minister Gordana Jankuloska had the first appearance before the citizens of the party debate since SDSM started to publish recordings of wiretapped conversations from Sveti Nikole tonight.
Recordings and the actions of SDSM were the basis of her speech in front of “her own”.
– It was not an accident that security services are the center of Zaev’s “bombs” because it is the purpose of his commanders. The intention is to cause fear and anxiety among the citizens. We, unfortunately, were caught up in a situation where an average politician is trying to dictate the pace of the political scene. It is no accident that the center of his attack is the economy and security services. If security services are undermined, then it will disturb the peace of each individual. While he deals with bombs, I think they were twenty, we responded with 60 measures – three for each bomb – Jankuloska said.
Jankuloska speech, who is one of the central figures in the wiretapped conversations presented by SDSM, was silently heard from the audience, without interruption with applause.
Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Peshevski also has no doubt that foreign services dictate Zaev’s actions.
– The first thing each of us is wondering when hearing the recordings is how it will affect him personally, whether he is endangered. First I want to say – don’t doubt about the safety and stability of the country. Regardless of what the opposition will do, regardless what various foreign services will do as a concept in order to destabilize us, it will not succeed. Not only because VMRO DPMNE is in power, but because the time of such stories has passed – Peshevski said.
From the forum in Sveti Nikole, where the settlement of workers from China who build the highway Shtip – Miladinovci is located, was addressed, as they say, “a stern denial” of the allegations of abuse of tenders with Chinese companies that won tendered for construction of highways.
On the forum also addressed Deputy Minister of Education Spiro Ristovski and the new Director of the Health Insurance Fund Sasho Stefanovski.
Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Peshevski explained that the forum is part of the regular activities of VMRO-DPMNE, but this time, the meeting is in a specific situation of the country, after which the party decided to send their teams to explain citizens what is happening.