Sub Section Jankuloska: SDSM can ask for my resignation at the Assembly

Jankuloska: SDSM can ask for my resignation at the Assembly

At the extraordinary press conference in the Government, Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska said that she decided to react because she believes that, with the announcement of the conversations, Zoran Zaev only does damage and is trying to manipulate the citizens.

She says that the conversations are not hers and that they are created, glued, cut and that she feels no responsibility for what was said in the conversations because, as she said, “I have never given such a statement.”

To the question of META if she plans to resign, she said “no” and added that she feels that she is not among the “tired” for who Gruevski said that could be replaced.

Jankuloska said that if SDSM want to ask for resignation, let them do it in a democratic manner at the Assembly.