IRC: The construction of the Cross incites inter-ethnic tensions

The Islamic Religious Community have reacted against the construction of the Cross in Butel. The IRC believes that the construction of the religious symbol, is a a provocation to Muslim believers.

They think that the initiative incites inter-ethnic tensions, so they call upon the authorities and international officials to intervene, and to cancel the decision by the Municipality of Butel, because according to the IRC, half of the residents from Butel are Muslim.

“To avoid unnecessary tensions that were created because of someone’s provocation, obviously someone doesn’t wishes this country well and misuses religious symbols to destabilize relations between citizens, we urgently appeal that the decision be cancelled for the construction of the Cross in Butel. If this is someone’s goal to get ‘revenge’ for the construction of the eagle in the Municipality of Cair, we would like to point out that the eagle is a national symbol, where as the Cross is a religious symbol”, said the IRC.